Company profile

Bringing you our high-quality products
manufactured with robust techniques passed down from father to son.

President's greetings

President's greetings

President's greetings

For over 130 years our company has been manufacturing various textiles for the religious purposes of Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. However, we started thinking these beautiful and intricate fabrics could also serve other purposes, and through trial and error, we found a way to showcase their beauty in Japanese style interior goods and small accessories such as souvenirs and gift items.

We decided to stay true to our tradition of superb quality in our choice of materials and uniqueness of our design. This makes our goods stand out from those already on the market, and I humbly wish that you will try them out for yourself.

Company president
Masayuki Kato

Company profile

Name Katota Textile Company Co. Ltd.
Address 75 Nishioji-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto,-shi, Kyoto 602-0046, Japan
Tel +81-75-441-1116
Foundation February 1882

Company history

February 1882 Katota shop is founded.
December 1953 Katota Textile Company is established.
November 1993 Awarded as a Superior Report Corporation.
January 2015 Receives similar awards on years 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014.
December 2016 (present) Currently reporting positive financial results for the 64th fiscal year in a row since company establishment.